Our Services: Acupuncture and Holistic Health Services
Acupuncture Works! Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing, improve function and to relieve pain.
Chinese herbs have a history of use that goes back 5,000 years forming a deep and immense knowledge of medical science, theory, diagnostic methods, prescriptions and cures.
Cupping involves placing jars on the skin and creating a vacuum by suctioning out the air. The technique of cupping is to enhance circulation, help relieve pain, alleviates cough, asthma and pull out the toxins that linger in your body's tissues.
Providing effective, gentle care for all members of the family throughout life, ranging from pediatric to geriatric care.
Educational and nutritional guidance empowering patients to to ensure a well functioning brain, to repair damaged body functions and to create and maintain optimal health.
Auricular Medicine is a scientific medical system which can diagnose and treat many different conditions of the body and the mind with stimulation of specific points through the external ear.
Other traditional Oriental medicine therapies include moxibustion, acupressure, guasha, low-level laser, red light-emitting diode, TDP heat lamp and electronic stimulation. Incredible results can happen with different modalities served at the Boulder Acupuncture Clinic.